A Catalogue of Musicall Instruments


A Catalogue of Musicall Instruments 1/2
A Catalogue of Musicall Instruments 2/2

Two Violins in a Mehogany Case. Foreign. one by Nicolas Amatus Cremonen: 1646. Antonius Stradiuarius Cremonensis 1679
One Violin in a black Leather Case. By Liessem London.
One Ditto. In a Red Leather Case by Johnson London.
One Violoncello in a black Leather Case.
One Ditto in a Deal Case black Leather Case.

one small Violoncello in a Deal Case.
One Tenor Violin.
a Steel Triangle & Iron to play it with in a green base Bagg.
One Bassoon by Gedney of London in a Red Leather Case.
One Bassoon by StainsbyJunior London in a Ditto.

one Bassoon-London
One Double Bass London, in a painted Case.
One pair of Concert French Horn’s with Crooks &c Complete

in painted Boxes – by Hofmaster London 1 | 2 
One Silver Trumpet by Hofmaster London in a Red
Leather Case. 1
One Mettle Trumpet with Silver Ornaments by Harris London. 
One Brass Trumpet with Crooks Mouth peices & c.

One pair of Kettle Drums Complete in Red Leather Cases. 1 | 2
One Common Drum Mahog: by Nicholson London in a Red Leather Box. 1

One Tambourine Drum in a Red Leather Case.1

all these Instruments in an
Oak Box with brass Lock and
ornaments. —   

Two Hautboys one mounted with Ivory & Silver Keys by Stainsby Junior 1
The other plain by Gedney – both of London.
A pair of German Flutes with Concert pieces Tipp’d with Ivory and

Silver Key’s by Gedney of London.
Two Octave Flutes one German, one Common form by Gedney.
One Common Flute by Ditto [=Gedney] one Bird Pipe or Flagiolet by Ditto [=Gedney]
One Fife – London.
A pair of Clarinets complete by Gedney.


One Tabor and Pipe, the Tabor made of Brass London.
One Small Kit in a round Black Leather Case. London.
One Serpent Silver Ornaments made at Paris in a Red Leather Case. 1
One Double Harpsichord – Makers Name Rooker [=Ruckers].
One Organ by Adcock of London in a Mehogany Case.
6 Reed cases for Hautboys & Bassoon’s Two of which are Shaggreen & Silver Ornaments.

Pitch Pipe, mouth peices, Tuning Forks &c. &c.

A Catalogue of Musicall Instruments