Reverend Edward Best to Sir Samuel Hellier, 7th March 1765


Sir Samuel Hellier Knight
To the Care of Mr. Henry Hatrell
at Lord chief Baron Parker’s Chambers
in Serjeants Inn Chancery Lane


Dear Sir!
I went to Wolverhampton on ye 27th of February last, in Hopes to have 
met you there, as I proposed in my Answer to your Letter to me the
Day before. But when I came to ye Swan Mr Latham delivered to me
another Letter from you informing me that particular Business
called you another Way. Since then my Time has been wholly taken
up about a Turnpike Bill  now before ye House, or I had returned an
Answer sooner to your Letter of ye 2d Instant. I think Mr Moreton’s x a 
Proposal very ungenerous , after a fair agreement, where no such 
Thing was mentioned, & that you may (if you rather chuse to do it)
break off with Honour: But whether it will be adviseable (as Things
are circumstanced) to do so, I can’t say. Was it my own Case, I think I
should proceed, as I should have little Doubt of any Return of ye £1500 being ever
made ,& if I had fixed my Affections on ye young Lady, no small Matter
would divert them. There is a Gentleman of ye Law, of my Acquaintance, well
┌ versed ┐ in Affairs of this Nature, & of sound Judgment, to whose Advice I would refer
you (Viz:) Mr Thomas Vaughan of Furnivall’s Inn  London, to whom I have
inclosed a short Letter, leaving you to relate your Case to him. I think
it best not to inform ye old Lady of this matter till I hear further from
you, & am, Dear Sir! 
Your most obedient humble Servant
Edward Best
Bilston 7th March 1765

Reverend Edward Best to Sir Samuel Hellier, 7th March 1765
Date of Letter
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