Reverend Edward Best to Thomas Hatrell junior, 16th March 1765


Bilston 16th March 1765

Dear Sir!
The Agreement reduced into Writing (but not signed) between Sir Samuel
Hellier & ye young Lady’s Father, was a follows. (Viz:) Sir Samuel was to
settle £600 per annum upon ye Issue of ye marriage; out of which Estate, ye Lady was
to have a Rent Charge of £300 per annum for her Life, if She survived Sir Samuel;
But if Sir Samuel died first, leaving Issue by such Marriage, & she married
again, in such Case, She was only to have a Rent Charge of £200 per annum Four
thousand Pounds out of ye said Estate of £600 per annum was to be a Provision for younger
Children in such Proportions as ye Father & Mother should by any Deed or Writing
by them executed, appoint, & ye Residue to ye eldest Son. The Lady’s Fortune to be
£3500. The mansion House, & ye Residue of Sir Samuel’s Estates, being about
£900 per annum Part Leasehold & Part Freehold, to be quite open. Sir Samuel has
some Demands upon him for money, but of what nature, & to what Amount, I 
cannot set forth. ¬¬— Since I wrote to you last I happened to be in Company alone
with my very good Friends Mr. Hoo[?]. And as he is a gentleman of very good Family
& Fortune, sound judgment, & a Person in whom I can place a firm Confidence of
Trust & Secrecy, I related to him this Affiar. His Opinion was, that ye agreement was a 
very fair one, & (he thought) to ye advantage of Sir Samuel; and further added that
had he been concerned on ye Behalf of Sir Samuel, he could not consistently with
Honour & his Character, have proposed a more scanty Settlement, and that therefore
Sir Samuel (he thought) ought to abide by it unless ye young Lady’s Father receded
from it, in which Case Sir Samuel would be at Liberty (as he now is) to act as he should think
As it is a matter of ye utmost Importance, Sir Samuel should well weigh 
ye Consequences; & I make not ye least Doubt of your giving him ye most wholesome 
advice therein. I could heartily wish to see him happily settled in ye married State,
and, if it be thought expedient, I will write to ye young Lady’s Father, & remonstrate 
to him ye Unfairness of his receding from ye Agreement entered into. In which Case I
shall be glad to receive a Line from Sir Samuel, with ye Christian Name of ye young
Lady’s Father. I am, Dear Sir! 
Yours most affectionately 
& sincerely Edward Best
Bilston 16th March 1765

Reverend Edward Best to Thomas Hatrell junior, 16th March 1765
Date of Letter
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