Sir Samuel Hellier to Thomas Hatrell junior, 3rd November 1761


Mr Hatrell Junior 

Woodhouses 3d November 1761.
Dear Sir.
I am first preparing for my journey 
to London. I received the Sacrament on Sunday & so 
went yesterday to ye Sessions to qualify but they 
would not take the sacrament certificate or give 
me ye oaths as they say ye Ceremony must be 
done at Stafford ┌ sessions ┐ being ye County where I Reside in 
However they swore me to my qualification 
so that I aphrehend I am intitled to act ye same 
as if I had taken ye Other oaths providing I 
don't neglect taking them in 6 months. — My 
Qualification I had worded thus I believe 
I was Right (Viz.t) that I am Possess’d of an 
Estate Consisting of messuages, Lands & Tenements 
within ye county of Worcester & in ye several parishes 
of Chaddesly Corbet, Rushock, Elmbridge &c. 
to Intitle me to act as a justice of peace &c 
I only hint this as you may inform me if it is —
done right. Now as I am too be sworn next 
sessions at Stafford you may as well — that is 
if you think it Right I’ve out my Staffordshire 
Dedimus  & then all this mighty Bustle may serve 
for Both I shall Certainly take it out sometime 
& I don't know but the sooner the better. I will take 
care it shall not give me much trouble for I shall 
Reside but little here. I feed the Clark of the peace 5  
Guineas and a half, he demanded it.
I hope now you are Coming over here that you will Strike 
a great Stroke for me among the Tennants & people I find 
the Old Lady in Continues in great good Humour pray 
God incline her to keep so & she Entertains ye highest 
Esteem & Respect for you I verily believe you may 
do anything with her so Don't fail Striking while ye 
Iron is Hot Remember Delay’s are Dangerous. I shall 
take Care to send ye Plate down as soon as possible 
after my arrival in Town I am delay’d by 
one foolish thing or other that now ‘tis impossible 
for me too attend ye King with the Staffordshire address. 
I wish on ye Return from Holding Broom 
Court you would give me a Letter with a Detail 
of what is done. Beware of Harris I like him not.
& be Cautious about ye holding ye court for which 
Things you Establish then will Remain a 
Precident that's all. — & indeed I think some-
what should be done about the Game Keeper at 
ye Manor of Bovenhill & Penford  or Else 
the gentleman that has put in a game keeper will 
Establish his Right and Overcome me Though I 
don't mightily approve James Hossall for a game 
keeper but as you will all ye people in the
Country Prey upon ye other manors of Broome & 
Rushock & I never get a Bird or a Hare from 
Either which signify’s Rights & Privillidges if they 
are to be given up so Cooly. Pray get ye Court 
Rolls from Harris & Stuart both & have 
an Eye to Coles farm it’s 160 acres or thereabouts —
Ye very prettyest thing in all ye Country Raize him 
& that Rogue Lamb of Rushock he’s no Lease 
& pray Notice him to Quit I'll never let you 
Rest till you do he’s a mighty favourite with Harris 
is with Him Constantly 3 or 4 times a week. I — 
have had Lett ye Rushock Tennant here they 
are always wanting I Refer’d him to you he sais 
ye Rushock people should have previous Notice 
of your Coming as they might be Ready. — 
There’s a Letter from Mr Highway for his — 
money I refer’d him to you so pray 
write or go to him Don’t Omit it on any Account 
Remember ye Seat in ye Church. 
{&} also to pay ye plate & window Tax. 
{en}clos’d is Bonds Account & a man I owe 
some money to at ye Crown in Trowbridge ┌ I wish you call there. ┐ 
I am almost affraid to shew them you but 
when I am once got Clear I will do no more 
& about £300 more would complete it which 
if you could sometime advance then you should — 
never more be Troubled. — There’s Mr Wells of 
Stourbridge has Rent to pay you So Remember to get it. 
Whatever you Do get all Writings & papers out of Harris’s 
hands. — inclos’d is ye last Receipt for Plate Tax — mind I 
only enter 100 oz but I so you must do no more.
God bless you. I am yours sincerely

S Hellier


I am quite in a State of Dispair say what you will I will
marry at all Events if it’s a Kitchen Wench or a Girl
out of a Work House only think all Centers with me If
Fate Should strike ye Blow as we are all Mortal
Then all your & my Endeavours are lost Harris 
gets all — How can you be do Deaf to ye Charms 
of ye Dear Sex Sure you are made of Stone 
For I am Convinced one Hours Chatt with a truly 
Virtuous woman is preferable to Whole years Injoyment
With a Whore. 

you Should Settle about ye meadow with Holles of Penn 
& have Done with such Dirty Rascalls
You possibly might find in ye Writing Chest somewhat 
relating to ye purchase of ye manor of Bovenhill & 
& Penford — But keep it Lockt 
Don’t let ye old Lady be here when you open it. 

Sir Samuel Hellier to Thomas Hatrell junior, 3rd November 1761
3 November 1761
Item sets