Reverend Edward Best to Sir Samuel Hellier, 8th May 1765


To Sir Samuel Hellier 
To the Care of Mr. Henry Hatrell
at Lord Chief Baron Parker’s Chambers
in Serjeant’s Inn Chancery Lane


Dear Sir! 
This Day I had a Letter from Mr Hatrell in the following 
Words (Viz:)
Reverend Sir
I did not answer your Letter sooner by Reason it was not in my
Power to say any thing to the Purpose. But have now ye Pleasure
to inform you that the Return of ye £1500 will be given up.
The Family at Woolstanton desired me to write you hereof, &
that you would inform Mrs. Huntbach as soon as you can. This
was my Orders, & is the Reason I do not write to her myself.
I beg my Compliments to ye old Lady and am Reverend Sir
your most obedient humble Servant
Thomas Hatrell junior
All our Family desire their Compliments.
–        –        –
[I] have communicated ye above Contents (by Letter) to Mrs 
Huntbach, & could not slip ye first Opportunity of sending you the
[agreea]ble Tidings. I do not now foresee any Obstacle to your
Union with ye young Lady, which I wish soon to hear of, & that
you may enjoy together all ye Happiness this Life can afford.
I am, Dear Sir! 
Your most obedient & faithful humble
Edward Best
Bilston 8th May 1765

Reverend Edward Best to Sir Samuel Hellier, 8th May 1765
Date of Letter
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