Sir Samuel Hellier to John Rogers, 23rd February 1769


Mr John Roger’s at the
Woodhouse near



London February 23rd 1769. 

I received yours & ye flying Horse & Clock 
you sent word they were to come on Saturday & they 
never came till to day However ‘twas only my
Trouble sending to ye Inn 2 of three times. I’m sure
you had {...} it did so little
damage. I’ve sent a Brown Paper parcell by ye Coach
To Wolverhampton for Mr. Shaw it will be down on Saturday
do order ye gardnor to bring it home & let Mr. Shaw
have it Directly send it to him or Purpose if he
is not at Wombourn on Sunday. — You don’t mention
Paving fitted with Jonah & Jonathan Sadler for ye Ringers 5 shillings
Nor Do you mention sending me a piece of Pork —
Dont send any unless ‘tis Exceeding fine & good & I should 
be glad of one of Nanny’s old Cheeses such as she used
to bye at Burbury . Tell her all my new Shirts that 
she made are Bursting at ye Writband’s & button holes
& are coming to pieces. — I would have you write for the Trees
to Plant ye Clump with to Whittingham & pray do it very
Exact & Carefully. Your Tuning Horn’s for ye organ are
put in hand will send them as soon as finished. —
How does Daniel go on with his work? I would have ye Pebbles
Picked off ye Meadow & piece of Ground where ye Post &
Chain is if any Knobbs are off ye Posts Let them be repair’d
The place behind ye Stable well Clean’d from Weed’s. —
Nanny should have Left ye House in better hand’s than
Burgess you did right to Discharge him Pray see that nothing is Lost 

I shall send down soon a Globe for ye Hermitage you
must make a Stand for it such as your own stand
on only rude & Rough need not be nice. 
I shall send some ornaments for ye Boat so that ye Spindle
which hold’s ye Dragon at ye Top you must get Drawn
out Longer as you’ll see when I send ye things.
Pray send again and again to ye man at Stourbridge
For ye Mapp that he is Doing & send me up
& send me up that Little Red Book in ye Parlour
The Court Colendar it has an almanack in it dont 
Mistake & send ye wrong — Pray observe to paint
ye Bee house & ye Boats. I would have ye Carriage 
which ye great Boat rides upon shod with Iron
the axeltrees  & then tis done for good & as it should be
Did you Speak about the Parish Register Books being
More accurately Kept on, as I hinted & shew’d you,
I dont want you to play all ye Horn Key’s upon
Those Horn’s you’ve got it is not so intended.
There are 4 Kinds of Horns G Horn’s F Horn’s 
E Horn’s D Horn’s your’s are E. Consequently 
only take in D, E, E flatt & C they are best for Learners 
& most Usefull when they come to Excell Then I will 
give out my Horns which are in G & those take in 
all ye other Key’s — if they play as much as their 
Present Horns are Capable off I will not grumble. 

what you saw in ye Birmingham Paper about a Tax 
on Musicall instruments is only a mere puff of the 
Printers to fill up. Tis high Time ye church Organ 
was paid for if adcock writes to you Let me know 
what he has to say Pray Remember ye Font Cover 
when you can {...} Eller know if he received ye —
Barell of Oysters & Letter I sent him as I got
No Answer. & tell him or any body you can see
that goes to Birmingham to get me made Two
Brass Collars one for ye old Lady & one for
Lyon Same Pattern as Roses is & the same
writing ┌ for that which is for me ┐ on ye old Lady’s must be 
Mrs Huntbach of Featherstone near Wolverhampton
Staffordshire 1769. — Let me here at Large and
Very soon. 
I am yours &c S.H. 
[ILLUSTRATION: drawing of the boat canopy with an ornamental dragon on top]
This is ye spindle to be drawn Longer 
as there is to be an Ornament (Vizt.) a Pine apple 
under ye Dragon 

Sir Samuel Hellier to John Rogers, 23rd February 1769
Date of Letter
Item sets