Ellen Moreton to Sir Samuel Hellier, 26th March 1769


Sir Samuel Hellier to be
left at Lord Chief Baron Parkers Chambers
Sergaents Inn Chancery

March the 26th 1769
I will not lengthen this Epistle by 
any attempts to embellish it or motives for 
this address – you will know it is in –
Consiquence of what was put in Mr. Hatrells
power to communicate or not as He thought
proper. I will speak honestly and plainly, 
cou’d I be assured of your tenderest regard 
you might thoroughly depend on having no –
reason to doubt of meeting with the best returnds
in my power. Reports may (probably) have reach’d 
your Ear that may make this appear somewhat 
extraordinary, but as I hope I may be allowed in
this case to know best from what authority such
a report can have its foundation – so likewise am
I certain that I am subject to no engagements that
Can prevent me acting agreeable to the dictates
of my own Heart. Sordid Views of every kind
I do profess a most Hearty contempt of – And should 
place a much higher Esteem on your Friendship
then all the Worlds wealth, and think the
acquisition greater. Once there was a time that
I think such a declaration wou’d not have been 
displeasing to you. And ┌ had ┐ not every unfavourable
interpretation been received by all Parties things
Cou’d not have ended in the manner they did.
If you think proper to take notice of any part of your
Letter & would desire a further declaration of My
sentiments you will find them divester of all
Intrest’d Views. And mercenary only in my wishes
for your entire Friendship. If on the Contrary this
meets not with a favourable reception, let the
remembrance of it be buried in Oblivion as you
may depend upon never receiving any more trouble
E Moreton
Whatever indulgences this Letter may stand in
need of I hope you ┌ will ┐ allow it, & be assur’d it proceeds
from Sentiments of the greatest purity. –

Ellen Moreton to Sir Samuel Hellier, 26th March 1769
Date of Letter
Item sets