Sir Samuel Hellier to John Rogers, 12th July 1773
Sir Samuel Hellier to John Rogers, 12th July 1773
See all items with this valueOxford, Oxfordshire
Entertainment, Concerts
Transport, Carriers, chaises and wagons
See all items with this valueBillinge, Reverend Charles (vicar of Wombourne)
See all items with this valueRogers, Daniel
See all items with this valueHuntbach, Mrs Sarah (Sir Samuel's maternal grandmother)
Woodhouse Boats
Woodhouse Music Room
Livestock, sheep, cows, pigs
Woodhouse Pools
Fish, fishing
Produce and food, Beer, ale and wine, etc.
Bees, beehives
Produce and food, Rose water, Mint water
Poultry and wildfowl
Plants, flowers and seeds