John Dolman to Sir Samuel Hellier, 19th June 1777


Sir Samuel Hellier 
to be left at the
Revd. Mr. Tho Shaw
In Wolverhampton

As some busy Person has insinuated
to you, the illegality of my Title to an
acre of Land annexed to yours, in the
Parish of Broome – I think you are much
to be commended, in insisting on an
Eclaircissement of that matter.  Though
the principal part of Mr. Dolman’s Estate
was entailed, yet this was an exemption,
devised to me, & my assigns for ever –
what his motive for so doing, was, I know
not, unless, because it was a
thing of so little consequence, I should
not have presumed to have hinted the
thing to Mr. Hatrel – if it had not been
in my power to fulfil it as to the inefficacy
of my Letter of attorney, it may probably
be so, but then Sir Samuel must be
sensible, I could not have been admitted,
as there has been no Court held to my
knowledge since the Death of Mr Dolman
as to the Fee of that piece of Land being
vested in me Sir Samuel has no reason
to doubt – therefore shall be ready at 
any time to execute any thing that
shall make ye matter firm & stable
to him – If matters had not been done 
so legally, as he could have wish’d, yet,
I may venture to affirm, he would have
had an uninterrupted enjoyment of it
I am Sir – your most Obedient
Humble Servant 
John Dolman
Henbury 19th June 1777

John Dolman to Sir Samuel Hellier, 19th June 1777
Date of Letter
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