John Dolman to Sir Samuel Hellier, 1st October 1777


Sir Samuel Hellier 
to be left at the
Revd. Mr. Tho Shaw
In Wolverhampton
I am as great an advocate for Exactness,
(especially in matters of consequence) as any Man,
but I think the precision of the Law, is frequently 
strained to too high a pitch; as sometimes to
prove an Obstacle to the friendly Intercourse
of Mankind – as to the Land in Question,
it is of no value to any one but you, as you
know it is incumber’d with Herriots  – my Life
for it, nobody will be so weak, as to make
any Claim upon a lot of 27 shillings per annum and one 
acre of Land, upon such disadvantageous Terms.
If you confirm our agreement, I’ll warrant 
you, a quiet and unmolested enjoyment. If
Mr. Shenstone had made no agreement with Mr.
Dolman, and had not devised it by Will, Mr. Dolman
might have claimed it as Heir at Law – so that
if things have not been so legally excecuted, as
they could have wish’d, I beg to know where is
the Claimant? As you seem’d anxious to know
Mr. Dolman’s bequest I have added an Abstract
of that part of his Will relative to Broom I am
with respect – your most Obedient
humble Servant
John Dolman
And as for and concerning all and singular that
copyhold Messuage or Tenement and those Copyhold
Lands and Premises situate lying and being 
In the said Parish of Broom in the said County
of Stafford which belonged to the late William 
Penn of Harborough  aforesaid Gentleman deceased
my Grandfather – and which now are or late were
in the possession or Occupation of Thomas Partridge
and John White with their and every of their
appurtenances and which by a certain Tripartite
Indenture of Release bearing date the seventeenth
day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand
seven hundred and sixty made between William
Shenstone Esquire and myself and others are agreed
to be surrender’d by him the said William Shenstone 
and me the said Thomas Dolman into the hands 
of the Lord of the Manor of Broom aforesaid to the
end the same may be regranted to the only proper
use and Behoof of me the said Thomas Dolman
my Heirs and assigns for ever which being not yet
done by intended to be I have therefore an equitable
estate therein – and therefore do hereby Give devise
and bequeath unto my Couzin John Dolman his
Heirs and assigns for ever all my Estate, Right
Title Claim and demand whatsoever as well
in Equity as in Law of in and to the said 
Copyhold Messuage or tenement Lands and
Premises in the Manor of Broome aforesaid.

Henbury 1st October 1777

John Dolman to Sir Samuel Hellier, 1st October 1777
Date of Letter
Item sets