

Part of Account of the Indictment against Sir Edward Littleton, Bart. for assaulting Samuel Hellier, Esq. [1758/9]

Account of the Indictment against Sir Edward Littleton, Bart. for assaulting Samuel Hellier, Esq. in his own House. From the MSS. Of the late Mr. Serjeant Williams.
Staffordshire. The jurors for our lord the king upon their
oath present, that Sir Edward Littleton, of
Teddesley Coppice, otherwise the Coppice, in the county of Staf-
ford, Baronet, on the twenty-second day of October, in the thirty-
second year of the reign of our Sovereign lord George the Second,
by the grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland king,
defender of the faith, &c., with force and arms, to wit, with a
certain horsewhip, which he the said Sir Edward then had and
held in his right hand, at the parish of Wombourn in the county
aforesaid, made an assault upon Samuel Hellier, esquire, then and
there being in his own dwelling-house there situate, in the peace of
God and our said lord the king, and him the said Samuel then and
there did beat, strike, and whip several times with the said horse-
whip, giving to the aforesaid Samuel divers severe violent blows
and strokes by the same whip, and then and there otherwise greatly
ill-treated the said Samuel, to the great damage of the said Samuel,
and against the peace of our said lord the king, his crown and dignity.
