

Part of Sir Samuel Hellier to John Rogers, 25th December 1766

Mrs. Ann Beach at the 
Woodhouse near


I Recieved yours with much Pleasure as I love to hear 
how Things go on. I Desire you would send word what. Sort of
Cap Stone Brown has put to the Spire you may draw
the sight off it & be sure he puts ye Petition’s in the
Bell holes as I Directed him & a Wire by way
of Conductor for Lightning which must be done under
your Directions. I am pleas’d with your account of Fixing ye
Dragon. What. do people say off it how Does it Look? Are
they pleas’d? as to its Faceing ye wind &c have {given}
my Thoughts underneath. I beg I may Directly know {what}
Jordens thoughts off the Organ & desire he would only {tell}
two People the Vicar & Patron if they do not {...}
Down it Comes. I’ve been at Mr. adcocks since {coming} 
to Town & seen the Organ he has Drawn a D{...} 
Grand Gothic Arch which will inclose the organ {…}
{...} Top of the Church & be truely magnifice{nt …}
{...} Mr John. I have inquired for French Horns {…}
& Bassoon’s all which if you can Spirit ye Pe{rsons to}
Learn will be Down with you next week I’m {...}
& Every Man & neat Red Leatherbook off no {...}
Pray be Diligent & Stick to Te Deum & Messi{ah …}
of {...} at The Temple Church this Morning “unto us {a child is}
Born &c. They are so busy here making Trumpets for 
the army I almost dispair of getting French Horn’s by any —
reasonable Time. — I have the Charity School greatly at heart
& indeed Every thing I can do to be of Service to ye Parish
& Poor People Tell Mr Jordon he shall have the Book
Sent with your Hautboys &c. Present my best Complements to him
& hope he will be active in this undertaking I wish he
would give me a Line. I have seny him a barel of Oysters by Friers
Waggon they will be at Wolverhampton Saturday the 3d January by his acceptence
I must have the Charity – 
Children, very neatly & Decently Cloath’d 
I shall Consider of it & they must 
All wear White Surplices ┌ all Times at ┐ at Divine Service.

I am Your Friend &c 
S Hellier.
December 25th 1766.
